Sunday, February 8, 2009

early impressions of japan

My early impressions of Japan were that this is a country like no other. The people take a genuine pride in good manners and respect. From the masked subway commuters in Tokyo through to the Buddhist beggars in Kyoto. The citizens of Japan display a level of sincerity towards their
fellow countrymen which I have never seen before in my travels across the globe.
Riding on the subway in Tokyo I became familiar with the phenomenom known as "gaijin leeway" whereby the if the conditions are not too crowded, every native commuter will do their best to give foreigners as much space as possible. It's only possible to get this close to local if they're asleep. I would wager that if this lady had of woken up she would've experienced a moment of panic, having realised that she had not given the gaijin the appropriate amount of space.


  1. Are the Japanese really so well mannered as the stereotype makes them out to be? Giving "gaijin space" would seem to be rude. Or are you being sarcastic here? You are too young for such cynicism... Anyway, looking forward to your future observations and posts. Just stay away from my cat, please.
